Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bureaucracyr & Organizational

According to Max Weber, ‘Bureaucracy’ means a centrally directed, systematically organized and hierarchically structured staff devoted to the regular, routine and efficient carrying out of large-scale administrative tasks according to policies dictated by, rulers or directors standing outside and above the bureaucracy. Such a staff, as Weber rightly saw, tends to become rule-bound, functionally specialized, elevating impersonality and esprit de corps.But ‘bureaucracy’ has also meant the opposite of organizational efficiency and effective centralized control: red tape, slowness of procedure, reluctance to take a decision, the unnecessary multiplication of people, rules and forms — a connotation achieved by singling out for attention unfavourable secondary features or tendencies of bureaucratic structures. The term ‘bureaucracy’ has been included in, but also contrasted with, the more general concept of administration.Sometimes this is done by seeing bureaucracy as a formal and impersonal mode of administration, sometimes by seeing bureaucracy as that form of administration where administrators (the bureaucrats, the officials) have become the real rulers, arrogating to themselves privilege, power and control. An Organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped and coordinated. The main elements to consider while designing an organizational structure are Work Specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization and decentralization and formalization.The most common Organizational designs found in use are ? Simple or Flat structure ? The Bureaucracy ? The Matrix structure ? The Team Structure ? The Virtual Organization ? The Boundaryless Organization The paper discusses the major advantages of all the above designs and all are compared with bureaucracy and the real contribution of bureaucracy is arrived at the end of discussion. Then the role of bureaucracy i n improving the efficiency of the organization is elucidated. The impact of a low level bureaucracy is then discussed and its role in efficiency is discussed.Then the impacts of high level bureaucracy are discussed. Finally, the paper concludes by stating that a moderate level of bureaucracy is good for increasing the efficiency of the organization. Advantages and Disadvantages of various Organizational designs The simple structure is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization. The strength of the simple structure lies in its simplicity. It’s fast, flexible and inexpensive to maintain and accountability is clear.One major weakness is that it is difficult to maintain in anything other than a small organization. The decision making becomes slow as the organization grows in size because of its low formalization and high centralization. A bureaucracy is characterized by highly rou tine operating tasks achieved through specialization, much formalized rules and regulations, tasks that are grouped into functional departments, centralized authority, narrow spans of control, and decision making that follows the chain of command.The primary strength of bureaucracy lies in its ability to perform standardized activities in a highly efficient manner. One of the major weakness of this structure is that it causes departmental conflicts and highly inflexible always following the rules. There is no room for modification The Matrix structure is characterized by dual lines of authority and combines product and functional departmentalization. IBM adopts a modified version of the matrix structure in its overall operations.The strength of this structure lies in its ability to facilitate coordination and efficient allocation of specialists. The major disadvantage lies in the confusion it creates, its prosperity to foster power struggles, and the stress it places on individuals. The Team structure uses teams as the central device to coordinate work activities. Companies like DaimlerChrysler, Saturn, Motorola and Xerox have made extensive use of self managed teams to improve productivity at the operational level. In smaller companies, the team structure can define the entire organization.For instance, Imedia, a 30 person marketing firm in New Jersey is completely organized around teams. This structure is highly unsuitable for large companies. A Virtual organization is a small core organization that out sources major business functions. Ancle Hsu and David Ji run a virtual organization. Their firm, California based Apex Digital, is one of the world’s largest producers of DVD Players, yet the company neither owns a factory nor employs an engineer. They contract everything out to firms in China. This is suitable for small and large organizations.The major advantage is the flexibility and the disadvantage is lack of managerial control in key aspects of b usiness. The Boundaryless organization is an organization that seeks to eliminate the chain of command, have limitless spans of control, and replace departments with empowered teams. The discussion of various organizational designs indicates the flexibility and adaptable nature of other designs compared to Bureaucracy. This also reveals that in most situations, Bureaucracy is good when the weaknesses of the designs are studied. Role of Bureaucracy in improving the efficiency of the organizationThe Primary strength of bureaucracy lies in putting like specialties together in functional departments results in economics of scale, minimum duplication of personnel and equipments, and employees who have the opportunity to talk â€Å" the same language† among their peers. Further more, bureaucracy can get by nicely with less talented – and hence, less costly middle and lower level managers. The pervasiveness of rules and regulations substitutes for managerial discretion. Stand ardized operation, coupled with high formalization, allow decision making to be centralized.There is little need therefore, for innovative and experienced decision makers below the level of senior executives. This drastically cuts costs for the enterprise and improves the efficiency level drastically by obtaining high levels of economies of scale and spending less on employees. The bureaucracy is efficient only as long as employees confront problems that they have previously encountered and for which programmed decision rules have already been established. Impact of a low level of bureaucracy A low level of bureaucracy results in huge lack of control.Employees are at their will and decision making becomes a very cumbersome task. There will be a lot of outstanding orders and the work schedule will be way below the expected level. This considerably decreases the efficiency of the organization. In very rare cases, employees take up responsibility and achieve targets. Impact of a high l evel of bureaucracy A high level of bureaucracy is highly detrimental to the growth of the organization. This makes the employees to develop job insecurity and they feel to be continuously monitored.High level of bureaucracy is characterized by issuing orders and a logic to follow. There will be a lot of unwanted works and precious time will be spent in duplication of the same work in various levels of the organization. This curbs innovation and creativity leading to routine jobs and eventually leads to employee boredom. There will be no sort of an employee involvement in this situation. Employees work for long hours but the output will be way below the standards and there will be no motivation mechanisms to support the employees. This finally results in employee turnover.So, a high level of bureaucracy is to be avoided as it may arouse the employees against the management of the company. Weakness of Bureaucracy One of the major weaknesses of a bureaucracy is illustrated in the foll owing dialogue between four executives in one company: â€Å"Ya Know, nothing happens in this place until we produce something, â€Å"said the production executive. Wrong commented the research and development manager, â€Å"Nothing happens until we design something†. â€Å"What are you talking about? † asked the marketing executive. â€Å"Nothing happens here until we sell something†.Finally, the exasperated accounting manager responded, â€Å"It does not matter what you produce, design, or sell. Now one knows what happens we tally up the results! † This conversation points at the fact that specialization creates subunit conflicts. Functional unit goals can override the overall goals of organization. The other major weakness of a bureaucracy is something dealing with the people who work in these organizations: obsessive concern with following the rules. When cases arise that do not precisely fit the rules, there is no room for modification. ConclusionB ureaucracy is efficient to the organization only when a moderate level exists. Both a low level of bureaucracy and a high level of bureaucracy will result in the inefficient operation of the enterprise without fully utilizing the resources of the company. A moderate level of bureaucracy will ensure that control mechanisms are in place and that employees are achieving their targets. This also allows the restriction of imposing rules and procedures to the employees and causing boredom. When a saturation point is reached, bureaucracy contributes greatly to improving the efficiency of the organization to a great level.Reference: †¢ Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational Behavior, Tenth Edition, Prentice Hall of India. Pg. 425-446, Pg. 523-535. †¢ Garry Dessler, Human Resource Management, Eastern Economy edition. Pg 465-479. †¢ Randy L. Desimone, Jon M. Werner and David M. Harris, Human Resource Development, Pearson education. Pg. 225 – 239 †¢ Cummings & Worley, Or ganization Culture and Change , 2005, page 490 †¢ Merril Ewert D and Jennifer A King Rice. 2002 October. Managing Diversity: HRM Review. †¢ http://www. hrmguide. co. uk/history/classical_organization_theory. htm

Friday, August 30, 2019

History of Early New York Immigration

Immigration is an event that has been occurring in New York since 1624 when the Dutch West India Company assembled thirty families from Holland to established a settlement that became known as New Netherland. Many immigrants came to our nation looking for opportunities that their country could not provide for them. The prospect of political and religious liberty, as well as opportunities for economic advancements brought millions of immigrants to America. Through the years, immigration has played a key role in the New York†s economic, political and social development in both positive and negative ways. During the colonial era most immigrants came from northern European countries. Their numbers declined with the onset of the Revolutionary War during the 1770†³s, but immigration picked up strongly again during the 1840s and 1850s. Between 1840 and 1860, the New York received its first great wave of immigrants. In Europe as a whole, famine, poor harvests, rising populations and political unrest caused an estimated five million people to leave their homelands each year. In Ireland, blight attacked the potato crop, and upwards of 750,000 people starved to death. Many of the survivors emigrated. The failure of the German Confederation†s Revolution of 1848-49 led many of its people to emigrate. Many settled in New York City, where the population increased from 200,000 residents in 1830 to 515,000 in 1850. By 1860, New York was home to over one million residents. More than half of the city†s population at that time were immigrants and their American-born children. The masses of immigrants were overwhelming. By 1887, it became obvious that Castle Garden (immigrant receiving station) was too small to process the large numbers of immigrants pouring into the New York. The Castle Garden was so small that criminals were simply hanging out at the receiving station to rob the immigrants inside, instead of waiting for them to get on the streets. Thus, the government built Ellis Island in 1892 and immigrants continued pouring in. The number of immigrants was so great that by 1910 immigrants and their families composed over half the total population of New York. During Industrialization many â€Å"new† immigrants on their way out of Southern and Eastern Europe due to over population and religious persecution. Approximately 25 million arrived between 1866 and 1915. While earlier immigrants had come mainly from northern European countries such as England, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries, by the 1880s most â€Å"new† immigrants were arriving from southern and eastern countries such as Italy, Poland, and Russia. More than a million immigrants arrived in each of the years 1905, 1907, and 1910, some fleeing the â€Å"pogroms† (organized massacres) taking place in Eastern Europe, and others seeking a life that they could never have within the borders of their poverty-stricken countries. These later immigrants, arriving from southern and eastern Europe, were Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians, Serbs, Slovaks and Russian, as well as Italians, Greeks, Hungarians, and Rumanians. Approximately ten percent of them were Jews fleeing the repressive policies of Czarist Russia under Alexander III, although Roman and Orthodox Catholics were among the arrivals. The tremendous industrial growth of the late nineteenth century created an unprecedented demand for workers. The construction of canals and railroads required an enormous force of unskilled laborers. Hence, practically all the â€Å"new† immigrants found jobs in transportation, mining, and manufacturing. Without this supply of labor, New York â€Å"s industrial expansion could not have taken place. A few exceptional immigrants rose to positions of wealth and power. But for the great mass of immigrants, success meant something much more limited. It meant better wages, money in the bank, ownership of a home, and a brighter future for their children. Even though immigrants helped to make the Industrial Revolution possible they faced opposition in economics and politics. The response to these newcomers was unfriendly and inhospitable. The Americans who saw their job security challenged by immigrants that were willing to work longer hours for lower wages did not welcome. The new comers did not have the same culture as the first immigrants that had come from Northern and Western Europe. Most lacked skills and very few spoke English, some could not read or write in any language. The Slavic and Polish (excluding Jewish) immigrants groups were viewed as unskilled, illiterate, and transient and were seen as a bigger threat to New York institutions than the other European ethnic groups. They were not ambitious people, tended to keep to themselves, and were opposed to the American idea of materialism. Many of the Slavs and Poles distrusted New York public schools; they withdrew their children from school and encouraged them to seek training in a trade, thus allowing a high rate of dropouts. Likewise, Italians were discriminated against because they also provided cheap labor and, naturally of a clannish nature, tended to move and settle as a group in Italian communities where they only worked with fellow countrymen and did not learn the ways of urban life. Americans thought that Italians did not assimilate into the American culture well since they held on their old-country traditions and cultures so strongly. Assimilation was important to the Americans because they were fearful of the change that came with other cultures, not to mention their resentment towards the new languages already replacing English in several parts of the cities. The Italians also brought the Mafia, which although in Italy enforced justice, came under the control of criminals in New York, and became known for racketeering, blackmail, and extortion. The immigrants were blamed for creating disorder and violence in the cities, and in general, were thought to be â€Å"birds of passage† who would use the American economy to make their fortunes, then return to their native land taking American dollars. The ever-growing influx of immigrants disturbed many native-born Americans who were annoyed by the newcomers† appearance and way of life. They expected these people, no matter what their place of origin, to conform to Anglo-Saxon patterns of behavior and to cherish the institutions of America. These anti-immigrant, natives, sentiments, and the hatred and prejudice toward these immigrants led to the passing of immigration laws that greatly restricted the flow of immigration . The first restrictive law prevented immigration of lunatics, criminals, polygamists, people with diseases, and those likely to be public charges. In August of 1882, the first federal immigration law was adopted. This law put a head tax on all immigrant passengers. Laws from notes. Many American believed that these immigration restrictions were necessary to keep the New York city from deteriorating. The population living in cities of over 30,000 increased from ten percent of the total in 1860 to more than twenty-five percent of the total US population by 1900. The pressure of the tremendous inflow of immigrants quickly outstripped the ability of the New York†s established institutions to cope with them. Already poor in the Old Country, for the most part, they arrived in America penniless and made their homes in the growing tenements of America†s major cities, like New York. The severe strain on the housing situation coupled with discriminatory practices eventually led to the creation of ghettos. Women and children were often sent to work to contribute to the survival of the family, old-world views that eventually led to wholesale exploitation of child labor. Poverty on a never-before-seen scale became the norm in America†s urban centers. Perplexed, poor, and lacking knowledge of the American lifestyle, these immigrants were used as a low-paid labor force for dirty jobs that nobody else wanted and felt the harshness of Industrialism the most. They did not know their bosses, class animosity often divided management and labor, and their interests and wants were of little concern to the corporations. Because these people did not have the proper education, many of them remained unskilled or semi-unskilled throughout their lives. Although many could not attain the work skills they needed, they gained many other things. By the early 1900†³s, ninety percent of those who could not speak English learned to do so in less than ten years after they arrived, and only a third was still illiterate. Despite their many hardships, the new immigrants were determined to make it in the New World. For example, the Slavs† ability to take the worst jobs and stick with them enabled them to become one of the top two ethnic groups representing employees of America†s leading industries . It was the clashing of old-world views with those of new-world ideas that forced compromises that helped to advance social and political thoughts. The cities would not have grown without people to provide cheap labor in the factories, and it was the willingness to provide a cheap source of labor and to work the most difficult and menial jobs that helped enable the United Stated to make the economic gains that she made. The stamina and perseverance of the immigrants made America and industrial giant and the world economic power it is today Even though immigrants helped to make the Industrial Revolution possible they faced opposition in economics and politics. Although New York benefited from immigration they tended to regard the newcomers as competitors for their jobs. This is understandable not only because of fluctuations of the economy, which caused unemployment but because immigrants were often used as strike. The â€Å"new† immigrants that came to America that could read, write, speak, and understand English were lated by many political supports. Those people feared that if an immigrant were gain power in politics that they might try to incorporate their old customs and traditions in politics. Many Americans even opposed the idea of allowing immigrants the right to vote. Even after immigrants were to become Americanized, political supports fought to keep immigrants from participating in politics.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A note on Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A note on Water - Essay Example The government should ensure that the legislations governing small businesses are extremely efficient and promote the growth of SMEs instead of stifling their growth. The government should abolish restrictive policies that limit the expansion of most SMEs and put in place regulations that favor the operations of most SMEs. The small business sector is responsible for most of the new jobs created every year by creating over 50% of the total new jobs in the American economy (Zimmerer & Scarborough, 26). SMEs also contribute a significant portion of the total retail sales and consumption in the United States. This is a significant contribution to the GDP of the country, which should be encouraged by the government through enhancing the operating environment of these businesses. Many times the government ignores the contribution of small businesses to the overall economic strength of the country, especially when implementing economic reforms targeted at improving the economy. This is wha t will be highlighted throughout this paper, and suggestions will be proposed on ways to reverse the situation in favor of the small business community. Problem statement or need analysis The main problem being addressed in this paper is the glaring reality facing small businesses and the fact that the government has been ignoring these businesses in many of its economic policies. Economic policies made in recent times such as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which was passed in 2009 fail to address the significant issues facing small businesses. Yet these are the same businesses creating employment opportunities for majority of the American workforce. As many large corporations in the United States have been downsizing the growth of small businesses has been expanding significantly. Currently, there are over 23 million small businesses in the United States with many more being started every day (SBA, 2007). These businesses account for over half on new jobs created every year within the United States, yet they are significantly underserved by the government, which is focused on promoting the big corporate companies. A good example of the neglect by the government of small business was during the financial crash and ensuing recession of 2009, where the government put in place programs to protect the big financial institutions from failing yet did not put any structures in place to cushion the small businesses. This is a clear indication of the government’s obsession with big businesses and their contribution to the economy, while ignoring the core foundation of the economy, which is built on small businesses. Many of the so-called big corporate companies ended up downsizing their employees and it was the small businesses that absorbed these workers as employees, whereas even some of those downsized started their own small businesses. In the early 2000s when the dot com bubble burst, most of the companies that suffered were small tech business es, which were caught up in the bubble, yet even in this occasion the government moved in to protect the investors in these stocks leaving the small business owners to suffer alone. Many of the hedge funds that had bought the dot com stocks were cushioned from the full impact of the bubble bust by the government, but this was not the case for the innovative entrepreneurs who were left with insolvent companies. However, it is important that the government switches its focus from the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Community Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Community Project Management - Essay Example These members are responsible for electing the management committee. The management committee looks after all the activity of the community based organization. This management committee is responsible for legal matters, financial position of the organization, & providing of good quality of service. So if we analyze all the organization listed above, we find that these organizations are working for helping the community as & when required. These organizations are big organizations and having large number of members. Members play an important role in helping the people who are in need. Members of these organizations are also responsible for providing good quality of service. These organizations are also known as non profit organization. The management of these non profit community organizations is known as community project management. Designing & implementation of community project management is depending upon the type of community organization. Following factors affects the designing of a community project management: (Reference 1, Page No.-60). 1) Organization size: The size of community organization plays a vital role in designing and implementation of community project management. As the size increases the community project management becomes more critical & difficult to manage. 2) Technology used: During designing of community project management one should take ca... As the size increases the community project management becomes more critical & difficult to manage. 2) Technology used: During designing of community project management one should take care of the recent technology used by the community organization. On the basis of technology used by the organization, designing of community project management takes place. 3) Operating environment: Operating environment is also a crucial and important factor in community project management. Operating environment means the environment in which the organization is operating. During designing one should take care of operating environment, so that the future problem with the environment can be minimize. 4) Sources: The sources of the services should be taken into consideration while designing the community project management. During designing one should take care of the availability of the sources. The sources which are easily available and of good quality are taken into the consideration while designing community project management. 5) Strategy: Strategy of the community also helps in designing of community project management. Following three type of strategy used in the community organization a) Long term strategy b) Short term strategy c) Middle term strategy. So while designing the community project management, strategy should be taken into consideration for optimal utilization of resources available. Project Life Cycle (Reference 1, Page No.-55). While designing the community project management we should know the life cycle of the project. Without the study of project life cycle, we can not design the community project management. Following components are very important in project life cycle: 1) Project Requirement 2) Designing 3)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Economics Final Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics Final Project - Assignment Example These needs notwithstanding, health insurance coverage has not reached levels most expected by stakeholders. A number of reasons could account for this. As a way of addressing the situation, a number of health insurance policies exist to ensure that people can have options that best apply to their needs so that they would select these. One of the options is the high-deductible health plan (HDHP). The best way to argue on whether or not HDHP will lead to improved coverage is to look at the modalities involved in this type of health insurance plan. There are two broad modalities that can be identified in this context. In the first place, users selecting this option are required to pay much lower premiums than what may be called traditional health insurance plans (Yoo and Chen, 2009). The premium refers to that money that is paid upfront to the health insurance company on a monthly basis. This means that people opting for this would not be paying so much every month as compared to those selecting other traditional plans. On the other hand, these people are required to pay higher deductibles than in traditional health insurance plans (Henderson, 2012). These deductibles are the amounts that are paid for an insurer’s own medical care before the health insurance company come in to pay anything for the insurer. From the explanation given about the rationale based on which the HDHP works, it would be noted that people who visit the doctor less often and do not accrue much cost from their visits with the doctor would have the benefit of this plan. Meanwhile, Chang et al. (2006) argued that the healthcare population of the country is made up of more of such people than those with catastrophic health conditions. Should the greater percentage get the right counsel therefore, chances that a good number of the populace would opt for HDHP and thus increase the coverage with the system is high. With this said, it is also important to look at the issue of economic benefits

Monday, August 26, 2019

Public policy project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Public policy project - Assignment Example The reforms are; new benefits, protection and rights, rules for the Insurance Companies, the taxes, the tax breaks, spending, funding, creation of committees, education and among others. The idea Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) came just a month after the inauguration of Obama (February 2009). During this time, the president addressed a joint assembly of the United States Congress, imploring the Congress that time was right for the overhauling of the health care. On September 9, Obama went yet another joint session of the Congress to outline the reform measures in regard to the Act. The version of the health care bill was passed on November 7 by the House of the Representative by a slim margin of 220-2015. Later on the Senate proceeded with its debate on the health care that was projected to be passed before the Christmas. Though it went through many hurdles, on December 24, all the Democrats united and the Senate passed its version of the legislation. On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed the Act. The Supreme Court on June 28, 2012 rendered the final decision to uphold the health care law. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Affordable HealthCare Act’s coverage expansion is approximated to cost $1.363 billion for the periods 2014-2023 in the mandatory expenditures (Gruber, 2011). The ACA and its companion reconciliation legislation contains a number of the provisions that are designed to raise the revenue to offset the cost of the health reform law. Apart from the individual mandatory tax/penalty, the ACA is partly funded by the increased taxes on the other non-health and health related items and services. Additionally, there are numerous new increased taxes and the fees that are meant to fund the Act. Some of the sources for the Act include; 0.9% increase in the Medicare Tax Rate, 3.8% new tax on the unearned income of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Deloitte SWOT Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Deloitte SWOT Company - Assignment Example Since Deloitte is among the biggest consulting service providers, it is critical to conduct a SWOT analysis for the company to understand its success in the corporate world. The SWOT analysis will also identify areas that may require adjustments and appropriate changes The Value driven approach present at Deloitte differentiates the company from others in the consulting services business sector. Focusing on the value of the client is part of Deloitte business strategy. The company chooses to stick to engage its customers in the company’s operations until there are significant improvements in that particular area. There is a defined business value in everything the company does from promotions to IT. The fact that Deloitte has a defined business value in every functional unit of the company gives a competitive advantage over other firms in the industry. Deloitte uses the Value Map to identify potential areas with clients where the company can improve the value of the enterprise . The Value Map can also help the company in establishing a value-based billing approach. The fact that Deloitte is Business-led in its approach to clients is an added strength to the company. The IT-enabled approach to engagements helps Deloitte attract more customers especially those who are IT-centric. An understanding of the client’s business is a crucial factor in providing a satisfactory outcome in the consulting business sector. A strong technological practice is a strength Deloitte uses in its marketing approach. Companies in the consulting services industry differentiate themselves by the importance of their functional and business best practices. However, the variation among these providers in the level of business, processes and technology expertise. Deloitte exhibits depth in vertical industries and business process knowledge resulting from the company’s clear business strategy.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Explaining a Concept Research Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Explaining a Concept Research Paper - Assignment Example Although that is the ideal set-up, taking the car to the garage every time for a simple oil change can actually add up in costs and rack up quite a bill for the car owner throughout the year. That is why it there are some do-it-yourself supporters out these who believe that the oil change, being a really simple process, can be done by the car owner him or herself. Doing the oil change yourself allows you to get to know the under pinnings and other parts of your car better while also giving you the bragging rights to being a master â€Å"oil change† mechanic. The purpose of this concept paper is to do exactly that, explain the reason, concept, and method by which a car owner can change his own car oil. It is important to remember that although changing the car oil is something that is relatively easy to do with the right tools and equipment, there is still a strong tendency to do it the wrong way. Done properly, the oil change you personally did will result in a purring engine. Do it wrong and you end up back at the garage paying for more than just an oil change. It is this possibility that usually sends most car owners to the nearest garage or gas station for a quick oil change. But with these shops continuing to raise their prices for simple services, having an oil change done professionally does not seem financially sound anymore (â€Å" DIY Car Maintenance - How to Change Your Car Oil Yourself†). In fact, learning to do the oil change yourself will save you not only money, but time wasted sitting in the client lounge of the local garage, waiting for the service to be completed in 3 hours when it should only take 20 minutes on average to do yourself. It would be best to allot an hour for changing the oil the first time that you set out to do the task yourself. This will allow you enough time to get to know the parts of your car and change the oil, inspect the oil plug, etc. without being pressed for time. The whole process should go relatively f ast provided you have the following proper tools and materials prepared beforehand: Wrench to remove the drain plug (box or socket) Oil filter wrench Oil drain pan Funnel Latex gloves Jack and jack stands (optional, depends on ground clearance) Oil Oil Filter Replacement drain plug washer (depending on application) (Edmunds, Dan â€Å"How to Change Your Oil) Now, before you go wrench crazy because you have all the tools you need already, and start to unscrew everything underneath your car, it is important to consult the car manual to make sure that you bought the correct oil and oil filter at the auto supply store. The wrong motor oil or filter will result in a major disaster for your little home project. It is necessary to check your car manual because the manual might require; ... other specific oil requirements as defined by the by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the International Lubricant Standardization Approval Committee (ILSAC.) Sometimes synthetic oil is express ly called for. Sometimes it's not necessary. And sometimes its use is implied by additional requirements (Edmunds, Dan â€Å"How to Change Your Oil). By following those aforementioned instructions as a diy person, you will ensure that the correct car oil will be used in your car. It is also necessary to make sure that you use the correct oil filter with your car because if; ... your owner’

Facts, Law. and Merits of the Two Law Suits (Mcdonalds and Pearson) Research Paper

Facts, Law. and Merits of the Two Law Suits (Mcdonalds and Pearson) - Research Paper Example Overall, however, a frivolous lawsuit, in the eyes of the legal system, delineates something more specific. Although, some lawsuits may appear silly, this does not necessarily translate to the notion that the lawsuits lack legal merit. The paper explores the merit of two cases: Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants; Roy L. Pearson, Jr. (plaintiff) v. Soo Chung, et al. Facts, Law, and Merits of the Two Law Suits Introduction In the case, Ms. Liebeck (the plaintiff) filed a complaint against McDonald’s (the defendant) alleging negligence. Stella Liebeck was sitting in the passenger seat of her nephew’s car, which was pulled over so that she could have a chance to add sugar to her coffee. First, the spilled coffee gave her third degree burns in more than six percent of her body (Cain, 2007). Secondly, she claimed that the coffee was served at an uncomfortable temperature (180-190 degree Fahrenheit) that can give individual third - degree burns (in 2-7 seconds). The seco nd case, Roy L. Pearson, Jr. v. Soo Chung, et al., has its grounding in a dispute between the plaintiff, Roy Pearson and the defendants, Soo Chung, Jin Nam Chung and Ki Chung, over a pair of supposedly missing pants. The plaintiff alleged that he took his pants to Custom Cleaners for alterations in May 2005; however, the defendants lost his pants and they attempted to replace it with another pair of pants for his (Surhone, Tennoe & Henssonow, 2011). Mr. Pearson also alleged that a â€Å"Satisfaction Guaranteed† sign displayed in Custom Cleaners was in effect an unconditional warranty that demonstrated the defendant’s willingness to honor any claim advanced by any customer. #1 What are the Facts? Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants On February 27, 1992, Stella Liebeck in the company of her son Jim and her grandson Chris Tiano drove to Albuquerque airport to drop off Jim who needed to catch an early flight. After leaving the airport, the pair grabbed some breakfast at MacDonald’s. Stella Liebeck was not driving the car when she lifted the lid of the cup. At the time, her grandson reportedly pulled over to stop so that Stella could put sugar and cream to the coffee that she had purchased. The plaintiff placed the coffee between her knees so as to keep it secured as she proceeded to remove the lid. Unfortunately, the hot coffee spilled in her lap and the liquid absorbed into her cotton sweat pants, which in turn held the scalding liquid against the body burning her badly (more than six percent of her skin) (Cain, 2007). The burns sustained required an eight day hospital stay and skin grafting. As a result, the plaintiff required close to two years of therapy and rehabilitation to treat the third degree burns. The 79 year-old Liebeck sustained burns in her buttocks, inner thighs, and genital areas inclusive of her left groin. McDonald’s declined a proposal for an out of court settlement for $20,000 in medical costs. The medical cost s amounted to $11,000, but McDonald’s offered the plaintiff only $800 (Miller & Cross, 2010). Amid the trial, McDonald’s quality control manager’s ascertained that their coffee should be served at 180-190 degrees Fahrenheit. Overall, liquids at that temperature can inflict third-degree burns in a period of 2-7seconds. Statistics indicated that for a period of one decade (from 1982 to 1992),

Friday, August 23, 2019

Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 29

Writer's choice - Essay Example It is this particular factor that enhances the delegation of duties thereby enabling the project managers to carryout work systematically. Most importantly, the order of the building components assists the project managers in ensuring that the building are of high performance in terms of health (Sommer, 2010). Safety as well as durability of the structure are key concerns that engineers meet by guaranteeing compatibility of the building components. Top on the list of the challenges that an FPM manager is likely to face due to the disregard for fundamental building systems is misallocation of building systems. FPM managers play a significant role in the project management especially at the construction stage. According to Sommer (2010), in the event that such a manager is unfamiliar with building systems, it will be difficult to identify accurately the category where each of the building components falls. This means that the facility and property manager will not meet both client and user needs. Coupled with the mentioned aspect is the challenge of either under or overestimating the cost of the basic construction components (Sommer, 2010).Ultimately, poor cost estimation interferes with the operations making the project to fall short of delivering strategic needs. The building may be incapable to solving disaster and emergency cases due to poor implementation of basic

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Evolution and Human Beings Essay Example for Free

Evolution and Human Beings Essay Allama Muhammad Iqbal is one of the most outstanding poet-philosophers of the Indian sub-continent belonging to the modern period. His intellectual genius has reigned supreme in the arena of Islamic philosophy during the twentieth century and is likely to direct and influence the Islamic Intellectual tradition in the twenty first century as well. His sublime poetry and philosophy inspired millions of Muslims to wake up to the reality of the times and forge a destiny for themselves. Iqbal explained evolution on the basis of his religious knowledge as well as his experiences in the western society. One of the facets of Iqbal’s genius is the fluidity with which he displays his in-depth knowledge and critical analysis of both Islamic and Western philosophies, theories and concepts. He compared the Quranic concepts of evolution with the western ones. Then, he gave his own concept of evolution. Allama Iqbal’s Concepts of Evolution: Allama Iqbal is against the concept of a fixed and static universe. He consistently upholds that existence reveals itself in constant change. If there is anything which is constant, it is the change itself. According to him, God‘s creative activity is ever-continuing and He is constantly sustaining this universe. God is not only the cause but also the reason of the universe. He believed that the Ultimate Ego was Allah, who, though transcendent in His essence, was intimately connected to human beings through His amr. For Iqbal amr stood for the creative power and will of God. He gave the concept of ‘egos’. At the lowest level egos are unconscious, in the higher order of being, they become conscious. Egos achieve utmost consciousness and finally become self-consciousness in human beings, the highest being in nature and the vicegerent of God. Man is the only being awarded with moral freedom and responsibility. Using his freedom of choice with responsibility, humans approach closer and closer the excellence that is divine. Being conscious of one’s real self i.e self realization is the goal of moral actions. Self, according to him, is of two kinds. The efficient self which actually operates and has dealings with others in spatio-temporal world. The appreciative self which is the real ‘I-amness’ and is divine in nature. It is the self which has to be recognized to have a new and different perspective about the world. The process of evolution and self-realization is not aimless. Iqbal believes that it is purely purposive in nature. However, there is no pre-determined single purpose towards which evolution moves. Rather, fresh goals ever continue to be created during the evolutionary course. Obedience, self-discipline and vicegernce of God are three degrees of development of self in man by passing through which he attain the ideal of a perfect manhood. Analysis: This theory explains evolution in a very unique way. Being a muslim, i find no fault in this theory as it explains everything very clearly and its evidence can also be found in the Quranic verses. The way he has explained everything in the islamic context makes it very difficult to contradict with this theory. Following is the elaboration and analysis of this evolutionary theory on the basis of Iqbal’s explanation, in my own words. Concept of Change: As he was of the opinion that the universe is not static, this is true. We can also find it in the verses of Surah Yaseen. God has talked about the way sun, moon, stars and all the planets keep moving all day and night long. Physicists have also proved that things which appear to be solid and motionless are also in constant state of motion. Their particles also vibrate in a specific manner but we can not sense or feel it. Evolution itself is a process which denotes change. There are hundreds and millions of processes which are occurring in the universe in a continuous manner. So, Iqbal’s idea of an ever-changing universe is true. Concept of Evolution: His answer to the question â€Å"how did man first emerge?† is â€Å"he arose through evolution.† For this purpose, we can quote the following verses of Quran: â€Å"Does not man bear in mind that we made him at first when he was naught?† (19:67) â€Å"Yet we are not thereby hindered from replacing you with others your likes or from producing you in a form which ye knew not! Ye have known the first creation, will you not reflect† (56:60-62). He explained his answer on the basis of above mentioned verses. Iqbal claims that, â€Å"this suggestive argument embodied in the last verses of the two passages quoted above did in fact open a new vista to Muslim philosophers. It was Jahiz who first hinted at the changes in animal life covered migrations and environment generally. The association known as the ‘Brethren Of Purity’ further amplified the views of Jahiz Ibu Miskawaih, however, was the first Muslim thinker to give a clear and in many respects thoroughly modern theory of the origin of man.† In this context, we can say that Darwin said nothing new as the concept of evolution was already present in Islam from the very beginning. Tawheed: Iqbal is not in the favour of deism according to which God became uninterested in this universe after creating it and now it is operating on its own. This is not possible and in accordance with the rules of nature. God is continuously in contact with the universe and is governing every bit and part of it. Being a muslim he added the concept of Tawheed, oneness of God in the theory of evolution. He believed that the concept of tawhÃŒ £iÌ„d contained within it the unity of the spirit and matter, body and soul, the individual and society. The Ego (Khudi): According to this theory of creative evolution, the Ultimate Ego manifests itself, from the lowest forms of matter to the highest evolutionary form i.e. the spiritually most advanced human personality. God is the supreme ego from which only egos are produced. In Iqbal’s words, â€Å"Indeed the evolution of life shows that, though in the beginning the mental is dominated by the physical, the mental as it grows in power, tends to dominate the physical and may eventually rise to a position of complete independence.† What Iqbal means by this is that the process of creative evolution involves a gradual growth of the human individuality or ego (khudi). Iqbal used the word khudiÌ„ to denote the ego, the individuality of a person or the self. He described khudi as follows:- â€Å"Metaphysically the word khudiÌ„ (self-hood) is used in the sense of that indescribable feeling of ‘I’ which forms the basis of the uniqueness of each individual. Ethically the word khudiÌ„ means (as used by me) self-reliance, self-respect, self-confidence, self-preservation, self-assertion when such a thing is necessary, in the interest of life and power to stick to the cause of truth, justice, duty etc. even in the face of death. Such behaviour is moral in my opinion because it helps in the integration of the forces of the Ego, thus hardening it, as against the forces of disintegration and dissolution, practically the metaphysical ego is the bearer of two main rights that is the right to life and freedom as determined by Divine Law.† Iqbal believed in the gradual rising note of khudi or self-hood in the universe through the process of creative evolution till it reaches its highest potential in human beings. The universe according to Iqbal is the spatio-temporal order, where egos of varying levels dwell, interact and take part in the process of continuous change and continuous evolution. Iqbal’s concept of heaven and hell is d eeply connected to his concept of khudi. Hell is basically a disintegration and dissolution of the self or ego whereas heaven is a state where the personality has reached a heightened sense of self-awareness, self-consciousness and distinction. Hell is nothingness, an annihilation of the self. Heaven is the opposite of nothingness. It is to be real, an important, integral part of the Greater Reality. Iqbal quotes the Quran to support his concept of Khudi, the creative will and power inherent in human beings:- â€Å"And they ask thee of the soul. Say: the soul proceedeth from my Lord’s amr (Creative Will and Power) but of knowledge only a little is given to you.† (17:85) It is this nature of the soul that makes human beings distinct and the chosen ones from the rest of creation. Iqbal translates and interprets the word amr as the ‘Directive, Creative Will and Power of God.’ He believes that human beings can share in the creative activity of God by using their own God given creative will and power. Iqbal is an advocate of the freedom of the human personality. He quotes the Qur’an to substantiate his views: By the soul and He who has balanced it, and has shown to it the ways of wickedness and piety, blessed is he who has made it grow and undone is he who has corrupted it. (91:7-10) The ego grows from a position of hardly having any freedom from natural laws and natural appetites, to the position where the ego, through the use of its creative will and power, becomes more and more powerful, free, dynamic and independent. Iqbal says, â€Å"The ‘unceasing reward’ of man consists in his gradual growth in self-possession, in uniqueness, and intensity of his activity as an ego.† He says, â€Å"The fact that the higher emerges out of the lower does not rob the higher of its worth and dignity. It is not the origin of a thing that matters, it is the capacity, the significance, and the final reach of he emergent that matters†¦. It by no means follows that the emergent can be resolved into what has conditioned its birth and growth.† In fact the ideal of the evolutionary growth of the human personality is presented by Iqbal through the words of the Quran referring to the Prophet’s (PBUH) vision of the Ultimate Ego i.e. Allah at the nocturnal journey called the mi‘raaj: ‘His eye turned not aside, nor did it wander’ (Quran 53:17) When Prophet Moses came into contact with God’s Light, he could not sustain the impact. He lost consciousness due to the overwhelming effect of, in Iqbal’s words, the Ultimate Ego. But the emergence of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave perfection to human personality or ego in the evolutionary scale. Love or Ishq: Iqbal believed that behind the process of evolution is the vital impulse of ‘ishq’ or love which is metaphysical in nature and which makes life grow towards higher evolutionary goals. Goal of Evolution: Unlike Bergson, Iqbal believed that evolution has a goal. In fact, the evolution or dissolution of life is dependent on how far the individual chooses to use his or her creative will and power. The perfect man of Iqbal’s conception is mujahid who is ready and willing to face the problems of life, culture and society as he is to face the problems of after-life, spiritual welfare and death. The theory of ‘creative evolution’ as envisaged by Iqbal harnesses human creative potential under the spiritual discipline of religion as the instrument with which human beings become co-workers with God, effecting the destiny of the universe. In my point of view, it is a very comprehensive theory and I totally support it. I would like to end this debate in Iqbal’s words. In the Javid Nama God addresses human beings in this stirring call: Life is both mortal and immortal, it is all creativity and eagerness Art thou alive? Be eager, be creative Like us encompass the whole universe! Shatter into pieces what is uncongenial. Bring forth another world out of thy imagination! It is irksome to the man who is free, to live in a world of another’s making. He who lacks the power of creation is naught to us but an atheist and an agnostic! He has not taken his share of our Beauty. He has not eaten the fruit of the tree of life. Man of truth! Be sharp and incisive like the sword and forge the destiny of they own world!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Competitive And Strategic Corporate Analysis Marketing Essay

A Competitive And Strategic Corporate Analysis Marketing Essay Introduction The airline industry is one of the most difficult business sectors where competition has proven to be extremely difficult among the many different competing airline services available around the world. Many airline services in the past have experienced disastrous business cycle, timeliness and overcapacity issues. Moreover, the different airline services also complain of their experienced difficulty in differentiating themselves from competition. These airline services also maintain such high-risk profiles because of such high expectations from their customers (Wirt, Heracleous Pangarkar, 2007). Singapore Airlines, one of the strongest and famous airline service providers, remains to be one of the most profitable airline companies in the world today. Several reasons can be attributed to the huge success that Singapore Airlines enjoys today. One is its strong brand management strategies driven mainly by its excellent line-up of top-management and boardroom employees. Singapore Airlines is composed of many dedicated and professional employees both in its front and back-end office who serve as the drivers of its solid brand strategy (Roll, M. 2010). Singapore Airlines is truly a global and diversified organization unified by one aim of delivering excellent quality and service to its customers. What separates this airline from other airline service companies is its heavy investment in building and maintaining its solid brand equity. The Singapore Airlines brand is known for its consistency in delivering its primary message to its consumers which is Singapore Airlines- A great way to fly coupled with its dedicated and honest delivery of that communication message to its consumers (Roll, M. 2010). The brand strategy of the Singapore Airlines is centered on its world-class in-flight experience: the warmth and hospitality of the Singapore Girl, its excellent service and its focus on the customer. Whereas other competing airline services also tried to pursue the path that Singapore Airlines has taken, no other airline has matched Singapore Airlines in terms of its honest commitment and consistency in delivering its brand promise to its consumers (Roll, M. 2010). As a result, the Singapore Airlines brand managed to deliver excellent financial results through its three-fold strategy: a.) Avoiding knee-jerk reactionary behaviors on any price changes and consistently deliver the brand benefits in order to maintain a high revenue b.) Cut down the costs by pursuing ownership of the best yet most cost-efficient aircrafts and properly responding to increases in fuel prices and c.) Remaining true to the brand in terms of consistency in delivering service to drive up profits (Roll, M. 2010). Background This report-based paper on the Competitive and Strategic Corporate Analysis of the Singapore Airlines aims to evaluate the Singapore Airlines actual application of the various analytical and planning tools in Strategic Management. This paper will also discuss the overall strategic posture of Singapore Airlines at the corporate level, that is, whether it is pursuing a global strategy, multi-domestic strategy, international strategy or transnational strategy. Also, this paper will also evaluate whether the companys management structure and philosophy is aligned with its overall strategic posture. Finally, this paper will come up with a list of recommendations with regard to the companys strategic focus. Several recommendations will be presented in order for the company to improve and maintain its competitive position. In order to achieve these objectives, the author of this paper will gather certain company documents such as its annual report in order to evaluate Singapore Airlines current financial position. Then the current growth efforts and focus of the company will be carefully looked into as well, that is, whether the company initiated some organizational and cultural changes in the past decade as part of its growth strategies. Major Sections A. To which extent does the annual report or other company documentation reflect the implicit or explicit  application of analytical and planning tools from the discipline of  strategic management? The 2009 Annual Report of Singapore Airlines reflected the overall financial performance of the company from the year 2008-2009. The financial report indicated a total of $1,062 million net profit which, based on the report, could have been higher and better if not for the global economic crisis that caused the airline to underperform financially on the last quarter of 2009 (SIA Annual Report 2008/09, 2010). Nevertheless, despite these financial challenges that the company experienced in the latter part of 2009, Singapore Airlines still continued to consistently deliver excellent products and services. It managed to build new lie-flat seats in the Business Class section which were designed for medium-haul and regional routes. It also managed to install iPod connectivity in some of its aircrafts (SIA Annual Report 2008/09, 2010). Moreover, the company remained its high focus on cost management to keep its balance sheet strongly stable. But instead of cutting costs when it comes to people development and management efforts, it kept investing on building and improving its internal infrastructures and systems as well as in developing and training its people (SIA Annual Report 2008/09, 2010). To a large extent, the annual report of the Singapore Airlines for 2009 explicitly reflected the various analytical and planning strategic management tools that the company utilized in order to achieve its organizational goals. For one, Singapore Airlines managed to analyze its own strengths and weaknesses vis-à  -vis its competitors and the top management keenly identified which value chain elements are important for the company and which ones are dispensable (Rigby, D. 2009). Despite the financial challenges the company experienced in 2009 such as the fuel price increases brought about by the economic crisis, the company remained true to its prudent fuel hedging strategy. As a result, the company incurred huge losses which the company regained immediately by implementing strict measures in cost management (SIA Annual Report 2008/09, 2010). Nevertheless, the company continued its focus on executing dynamic pricing strategies, providing more value-added promotions and packages which are still designed to earn the loyalty and trust of their customers. All these efforts, being at the core of the strategic management tools Singapore Airlines utilized, is what maintained the strong position of the company in the year 2009. B. Would you encourage the company to focus on growth efforts on emerging markets bearing in mind her organizaton culture and the changes that have occurred in the industry in the last decade? Yes. Singapore Airlines must redirect its growth efforts on emerging markets as it is already an established airline service brand, known around the world for its world-class products and services. In fact, today, this is the strategic route that Singapore Airlines must already be taking. According to Ng, M. (2010), the emerging markets in Asia, for instance, are expected to increase in terms of travel growth in the year 2010. There is a continuously growing opportunity for low-cost airline service brands to tap the increasing demand of emerging Asian markets for low-cost carriers. Given this demand, this is also an opportunity for Singapore Airlines to tap the travel opportunities of the emerging Asian market. In the past five years, the trend is increasingly shifting to practicability in travelling rather than luxury. In fact, the emerging markets need and demand is not really a luxurious means of travelling but more on a practical one, i.e., moving from one destination to another. At most, the needs of the consumers from the emerging markets are safety and comfort that is at par with other high-cost carriers. In tapping this huge number of consumers from the emerging market, Singapore Airlines can introduce its very first low-cost carrier carrying its brand name and its excellent service minus some consumer perks. C. How would you describe the companys strategic posture at the corporate level? Is it pursuing a global strategy, a multi-domestic strategy, an international strategy, or a transnational strategy? Based on the definition provided by Zwass, V. (1998) on what transnational strategy means, an organization which applies transnational strategy is focused both on its domestic/local and the global strategies. The strategies in the local or domestic level are directly tied in or in line with the overall global strategies of the entire organization. An organization which utilizes transnational strategy applies an integration of its global business activities with its domestic or local activities. Currently, the Singapore Airlines is not only focusing its efforts on its global strategies, specifically its vital strategies in maintaining its position in the international scene, but also in its local strategies. Furthermore, Singapore Airlines is also considered a transnational organization because of its consistent adaptation to various environmental and economic situations and its capitalization in knowledge and value-added information (Zwass, V. 1998). Singapore Airlines also entered into several strategic alliances with its suppliers, customers and some business partners like for instance, iPod connectivity which was recently installed in some airbuses of Singapore Airlines. This strategic partnership resulted to value-added services and additional competencies which served as the companys competitive edge versus its competitors. D. Does the companys management structure and philosophy aligned with her overall strategic posture? Singapore Airlines management structure and philosophy are closely aligned with the companys overall strategic posture. As defined by Zwass, V. (1998), transnational strategy is a specific management approach wherein the global business activities of the company are integrated with the domestic strategies. This management approach is applied through maintaining an interdependence and close cooperation with partners, subsidiaries and customers. Moreover, a transnational organization is highly collaborating with other independent, potential partner firms in order to deliver certain services and products in the market. This is what Singapore Airlines is continually trying to achieve when it comes to providing value-adding products and services into the market. For instance, Singapore Airlines is a partner of Star Alliance Network, in order to deliver certain perks and benefits to certain customers which availed of that service. Any Star Alliance Gold Member who rode in Singapore Airlines, will be granted a priority passage, priority waitlisting, priority check-in and boarding, priority airport standby and extra baggage allowance (Singapore Airlines, 2010). The different strategic alliances that the company engages in and the overall management structure that Singapore Airlines currently has is one proof that it is a certified transnational organization that is directly in line with achieving its corporate philosophy. E. Make specific recommendations for the company either to maintain her position or improve her position  without undermining the environmental changes and her competitive position. Singapore Airlines must maintain its current strategic posture, that is, its application of transnational strategies because that is the primary reason for its top position and market leadership in the airline industry. What separates Singapore Airlines from other directly competing airline companies is its responsiveness both in the international or global pressures and the demands of the local and domestic market. In order to improve its current position however, Singapore Airlines must continue to improve its current management structure and make it more flexible so that the facilitation and passing on of critical information from one unit to another is smooth-flowing. Also, Singapore Airlines must focus and redirect its growth efforts into eyeing and looking into other market expansion opportunities which provide them the opportunity to expand not only internationally but also domestically. One possible source of market expansion for Singapore Airlines is the increasing travel growth demand in emerging Asian markets. For the past years, Singapore Airlines has been focusing on tapping international markets in Europe but today, it must redirect its efforts into tapping other emerging markets which demand low-cost carriers. Conclusion Singapore Airlines remains to be one of the strongest and most profitable airline service providers in the world today because of a number of reasons. One is its strong brand management strategies mainly driven by its dedicated and professional employees both in its front and back-end office. Another reason is because of the companys unique management structure that is in line with the achievement of its corporate philosophy which is service excellence and consumer focus. The third and possibly the main reason for the companys huge success is its application of the transnational strategy. Defined as the specific management approach wherein the global business activities of the company are integrated with the domestic strategies, Singapore Airlines has so successfully utilized this strategy in order to gain strategic prominence in the airline industry. Because of Singapore Airlines application of this specific management approach, it gained a strong network of alliances and cooperative network of alliances from among various types partner firms, subsidiaries, and even suppliers. As a result of Singapore Airlines openness for collaboration and partnership with other independent firms and suppliers, it was able to successfully deliver certain services and products which became value-adding for their own customers. Merely responding to the needs of the global market is not enough to achieve strategic success and prominence today, without the aid and support of other independent firms and subsidiaries and forming strategic alliances with them, Singapore Airlines could not possibly make it as a truly global leader in the airline industry. Recommendations In order to retain the strong global position and market leadership of Singapore Airlines, the company must fully embrace its application of the transnational strategies. The fact that Singapore Airlines is a transnational organization was the primary reason for its top position and market leadership in the airline industry. Being the transnational organization that Singapore Airlines is now, it gave the company a broader strategic and competitive advantage compared to other directly competing airline service provider that is why it must retain and improve further its application of this specific management approach and strategy. First, Singapore Airlines must continue to improve its current management structure and transform it into a full-blown transnational organization consisting of flexible units/departments and subsidiaries in order to allow a smoother facilitation of critical information which is important for a company occupying the top position. Second, Singapore Airlines must focus and redirect its growth efforts into tapping other market opportunities not only internationally but also domestically. One possible source of this market expansion is the increasing travel growth demand in emerging Asian markets whose demand is centered on practicality over luxury travelling. In order to broaden its existing market, Singapore Airlines must offer low-cost carriers which would cater specifically to the growing and fast-emerging Asian market of travelers.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Job Satisfaction Analysis

Job Satisfaction Analysis Internal Factors Regarding the student surveyed, from Figure, almost half of the respondents dissatisfied their current job on training period, conversely only around 20 percent who are satisfied and neutral their current job respectively. There are fewer percentage of strongly satisfied and strongly dissatisfied their job. Although there are almost half of the respondents dissatisfied their current job, it still have 22 percent respondents satisfied their job. According to the student surveyed, from Figure , most of the respondents select good relationship with colleagues as their main reason of job satisfaction. Base on this question the respondents can select more than one choice as a result the total number is 77. However, flexibility working hour and satisfied staff benefits are not the main reason affect job satisfaction by 17 and 16 results respectively, it is shown that there is a huge disparity compare with the result of good relationship with colleagues. It can be analyze that employees are more concern their relationship with colleagues to effect the job satisfaction, thus influence the turnover rate.  Ã‚   External factor As can be seem from the students surveyed, the result shown that most of the respondents are chosen rapid growth of hotel industry and government policy are two main external factors influence turnover rate are chosen by 26 and 18 results respectively. Base on this question the respondents can select more than one choice so that the total number in this question is 62. Besides, non-local employees and inflation are only chosen by 8 and 10 results respectively. It seem that the survey can reflect the respondents view the impact of high turnover rate owing to rapid growth of hotel industry and government policy. Rapid growth of hotel industry Rapid growth of hotel industry may increase turnover way due to the same manpower pool. The number of hotel rooms in Hong Kong needs to be almost doubled in the next 10 years, according to the head of a government economic task force (Siu and Nip). The reason of sharply increase the number of hotel rooms probably relevant impact of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge and the high-speed cross-border railway. In response to satisfy a large demand of tourists, hotels need to absorb enormous quality employees so that can maintain the standard of quality. However, due to the labor supply is not able to meet the demand in the market; the existing employees may try to seek to better jobs due to availability choice (Lei). Even there isfresh graduates study in hotel management in every year but not all graduates will work in the hotel industry (The Greatest Challenge). Heavy workload, shift work, overtime working those reasons may affect the graduate’s select hotel industry as their careen. Owing to the limitation of labor, the existing staff can be selective in their choice of employment since rapid growth of hotel industry. For instance, the less favorable job like stewards, food and beverage servers and room attendants are especially high turnover way, owing to heavy workload and lack of attractiveness (Lei). To attract those indispensable front office staff, many hotels are willing to provide high salary and better position to effectively attract employees (Lei). Therefore, more employees will terminate their employment to choose the job with valuable benefits. Government policies Statutory Minimum Wage policy Statutory Minimum Wage may force employer to disband their employee or expropriate the original fringe benefits such as staff’s meal, uniform and break period to compensate the additional cost related to this policy (Hong Kong workers.). Employee compensation is one of the largest costs in hotel (Su, Heo and Leung). Even though the Minimum Wage Ordinance was HKD 30 per hour since 2013, the average hourly wage in hotel employees was about HKD62 (Su, Heo and Leung). Although the policy can balance the excessively low wages and prevent the loss of low-paid jobs (Labor Department), it also affects high turnover way due to job dissatisfaction. In order to recoup the additional cost, some hotel may decrease employee benefits or hired more part-time employee to recover the cost thus destroy relationship. For instance, some hotel kept employing their staff on a basic salary and did not offer them a perpetual job (Su, Heo and Leung). Other example, some hotel had changed to pay their room attendants based on the number of the rooms they had been cleaned instead of pay the working hour after the implementation of Statutory Minimum Wage Policy (Su, Heo and Leung). If the room attendants take longer time to make up certain rooms that supervisor assigned to them, they need to work overtime without compensation. It may definitely affect employee job satisfaction as a result increase turnover rate. It is a common knowledge that develop a good relationship between employer and employee can probably reduce turnover way. However, Statutory Minimum Wage policy was give stress to employers to maintain their limited cost so that upward pressure to employees and dissatisfied on job satisfaction. Employers tend to reduce the number of employees and shortening the staff working hours to prevent compensation (Su, Heo and Leung). Also, recruit more part-time employees to replace the full-time employees due to effective and easily to maintain offset cost increase. Therefore, the authors had mentioned that hotel tend to reduce the cost of fringe cost as their cost minimization strategy (Su, Heo and Leung). In view of employees confront the work environment that without unpaid break and change the staff’s menu to reduce their staff benefit, they virtually heighten the negative attitude in work environment and job satisfaction as a result cause employees to move to other industries. References Lei, Lam, The Challenges of the Labor Shortage in Macau’s Hotel Industry. University of Nevada. Las Vegas, December 2011: 21-27. Web. 31 March. 2014>sdissertations> Lo, Wei. â€Å"Hong Kong hotels accused of not paying minimum wage in job ‘trial periods’.† South China Morning Post 15 August, 2012. Web. 1 April, 2014> â€Å"The Greatest Challenge for HR in Hotel Industry: Manpower Shortage† Career Times20April. 2001: 20. Web. 1 March 2014.> Su, Mia, Cindy Heo and Daniel Leung. â€Å"Hotel Employees Perception of the Statutory Minimum Wage Policy in Hong Kong.† Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 2013: 2-6. Web. 31 March 2014 > Siu, Phila, and Amy Nip. â€Å"Hong Kong needs to double hotel rooms in 10 years† South China Morning Post. 05 July. 2013. Web. 31 March 2014 > Labour Department. â€Å"Statutory minimum wage.† 2013. Web. 01 April 2014 > â€Å"Hong Kong workers to enjoy minimum wage for first time.† BBC 01 May 2011. Web. 01 April. 2014>

Monday, August 19, 2019

What Impact does Jasper Jones have on the Reader? Essays -- jasper jone

Jasper Jones is a coming of age novel that the author Craig Silvey has set in 1965, in the small town of Corrigan; thick with secrecy and mistrust. Charlie Bucktin, an innocent boy at the young age of thirteen, has been forced to mature and grow up over a life changing, challenging summer. With a little help from Jasper Jones, Charlie discovers new knowledge about the society and the seemingly perfect town that he is living in, as well as the people that are closest to him. The most important ideas and issues that Craig Silvey portrays in Jasper Jones are: coming of age and identity, injustice and racism. These themes have a great impact on the reader. While discovering and facing these new issues, Charlie and his best friend Jeffrey Lu gain a greater awareness of human nature and how to deal with the challenges that life can throw at you. One of Silvey’s major ideas in Jasper Jones is coming of age and identity; in this case, Charlie has been thrown into adulthood and forced to grow out of his immature, fearful self. During the novel Charlie starts to mature, show bravery and stand up for himself. This turn of events occur because Charlie chooses to help Jasper: â€Å"But I don’t turn back. I stay. I follow Jasper Jones. And I see it. And everything changes. The world breaks and spins and shakes.† (pg. 12). He made a choice between doing what was right and what he thought was fair. He knew Jasper would be immediately blamed for the death of Laura Wishart. The night Laura Wishart was found dead, Charlie changed as a person: he started to see everything in a different light, even his home life. He comes to terms with his mother; he realises that her personal issues are being taken out on him and dominating their family life. Ruth Buc... ... reader. Throughout the book, Charlie unfolds secrets and truths about the world and the society that he lives in; secrets and truths that cause him to grow up and transition into adulthood. He also makes a life changing decision and rebelled against was he thought was the right thing. This reflects his maturity and bravery throughout the journey he travels that summer. Charlie eyes suddenly become open to the injustice that the town of Corrigan demonstrates. He also comes to face the issue of racism; not only shown towards his best friend Jeffrey and the Lu family but to Jasper Jones as well. He realises the town of Corrigan is unwilling to accept outsiders. Charlie not only finds out things that summer about the people that surround him, but he also finds out who he is personally. Works Cited Silvey, C 2009, Jasper Jones, Allen & Unwin, Cross Nest N.S.W.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Using Resources Wisely Essay -- Environment Inconvenient Truth Agricult

In my English 130 class we watched the movie Inconvenient Truth and, for the first time, I saw the growing industrialization of China. After seeing China’s growing wasteful consumption of resources, I was reminded of a discussion that took place in my Anthropology 113 class last semester. In this discussion, my professor brought to light how our production of food is just as disturbing as our consumption of it. He presented a video that showed how the industrialization of certain areas led the farmers to abandon their tradition agricultural system and replace it with mass food production. This â€Å"small† change ended up having a huge negative impact on their society. Previous to change in their farming techniques, the farming system allowed for more social interaction between the generations and gave them enough food to feed themselves with still plenty left to generate in income. After the push for mass production, this system was destroyed, leaving the town wit h problems they had no precedent for. These events show how a change in production of goods (especially crops) can have disastrous effects on people and their environment. For my research I set my heart on further exploring this relationship between human’s participation in agriculture and its affects on the environment. Hence, I began my research trying to figure out what it is that people are doing to leave the world with fewer agriculturally usable lands. After reading a hand full of books, I found myself with even more unanswered questions and lots of contradictory information. Some books, like One with Nineveh: Politics, Consumption, and the Human Future, say that the unbelievable growth in population and the population’s consumption is at fault rather tha..., Jon. â€Å"2.6 OBSTACLES TO BETTER LAND MANAGEMENT.† Better LandHusbandry: From Soil Conservation to Holistic Land Management. Enfield: SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2006. 62-72. Laegreid, Marit O.C. Bà ¸ckman and O. Kaarstad. â€Å"4.3 Soil degradation.† Agriculture, Fertilizers and the Environment. New York: CABI Publishing, 1999. 104-113. Lappà ¨, Frances M. â€Å"Diet for a Small Planet† Composing a Civic Life: A Rhetoric and Readings for Inquiry and Action. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.,2007. McMichael, Anthony J. â€Å"Introduction: techniques and issues† Planetary Overload: Global Environmental Change and the Health of the Human species. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1993. 212-214. Raman, Saroja. â€Å"Ch 7: Land Management for Sustainable Agriculture† Agricultural Sustainability: Principles, Processes, and Prospects. New York: The Haworth Press, Inc. 2006. 93-140.

Stress Essays -- essays research papers

Stress Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing surroundings. It has physical and emotional effects on us and can make good or bad feelings. As a good influence, stress can help motivate us to do something, or help us through the day. As a bad influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression (overall, make you feel really crappy), which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomachs, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and strokes. With the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion (or demotion), or a new relationship, we experience stress as we change our lives to cater to this. In so adjusting to different circumstances, stress will help or hurt us depending on how we react to it. The circumstances that cause stress are called stressors. Stressors vary in harshness and duration. For example, the responsibility of caring for a sick parent may be an ongoing source of major stress, whereas getting stuck in a traffic jam may cause mild, short-term stress. Some events, such as the death of a loved one, are stressful for everyone. But in other situations, individuals may respond differently to the same event—what a stressor is for one person may not be stressor for another. For example, a student who is unprepared for a chemistry test and anticipates a bad grade may feel stress, on the other hand a classmate who stud...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How Montessori Environmet Differs Than Traditional Setup

Montessori environment differs from traditional education in many ways. Only a few of them are discussed below: In a Montessori environment the support is given to the natural development of the human being. The emphasis is on cognitive (the emergence of the ability to think and understand) and social development. Whereas in a traditional classroom, prescribed or arranged blocks of knowledge are transmitted into the child. The areas to focus on are rote (memorization technique based on repetition) knowledge.It is as if the information is poured into the brain of a child without much understanding of the process. In Montessori setup the child is not just there in the classroom to listen and receive whatever the teacher is â€Å"lecturing† him about (without even understanding a word). But he is there to think and ponder upon the work that is presented to him. Why and how the child arrives at what he knows is just as important as what he knows. In a Montessori classroom, the ind ependent activity is 80 % of the work, and the teacher directed activity accounts for the remaining 20 %.The reverse is true for the traditional setup. When the child is in a Montessori class, he has shown the activity once (if needed it can be presented again) and then it is up to him to choose from variety of activities that he was shown earlier. The child is allowed to choose his work, take it to his work space and repeat it as much as he wants. This whole process calls for independence. In a traditional classroom, the teacher is the one who decides what the child has to learn, also the pace of the learning process as well as how the learning will take place.The teacher is in control of the whole scenario so most of the activity takes place through her. Self corrected materials are used in a Montessori environment. A child relies on impersonal judgement that comes from his senses. Each material is prepared with control of error. Whereas an external force, means a teacher, is the one who corrects in a traditional way of learning. By using the self corrected materials the child acquires independence. If he makes a mistake, he can correct himself without any help from an adult. In a traditional classroom, the child always depends on the teacher to correct his mistakes nd to tell him if he has done his work correctly or not. This way the child looks for appraisal and always asks for teacher’s approval. The child does not do his work for his own inner satisfaction but he is always looking for outward reward or punishment. The Montessori way of learning puts emphasis on (self) discipline and freedom (within bounds). On the other hand, the point of view in a traditional setting is that children are inherently disorderly and that their willfulness and impulses must b inhibited by an external discipline.Montessori educators believe that children cannot develop a sense of inner discipline if all of the control comes from the outside. In a Montessori classroom, the child is free to choose his work (freedom of choice) but at the same time, he can only choose out of those activities that are already presented to him (freedom within bounds). He is free to do any work he wants or wishes to do but he has to follow an order in which the work was presented to him by the directress. In a Montessori environment the teacher’s role is that of a facilitator and guide while the role of the child is an active one.In a traditional classroom, the teacher plays a very dominant role in the classroom while the child is passive. The teacher, in a Montessori classroom, is mostly in the background. She just steps in when she feels that there is a need. She does not teach, in fact she directs and makes learning smooth and enjoyable, as compared to the traditional setup where the teacher mostly talks and the child just listens. Mix age group is one of the most important aspects of a Montessori environment. Same age group is the norm of a traditional educa tion. Mix age group in the Montessori classroom helps the teacher as well as the students.The elder children act as role models, direct the younger ones, and feel the sense of responsibility whereas the younger children look at the older ones with fascination. This sort of collaboration can be a helping hand for the teacher. The environment, in a Montessori classroom, is tailored according to the child. On the other hand, in a traditional classroom, the child has to adapt according to the environment. One of the main purposes of the Montessori education is to make the child independent and this can only be achieved if we cater to the needs of the child.Montessori classroom belongs to the child and that’s why the whole setup is child sized. The child in the Montessori environment is the center of everything. Montessori environment emphasizes that learning should be done through all five senses. Whereas, in a traditional setup, learning takes place mostly through listening, rea ding and watching. In a Montessori classroom hands on activities are used so that the child can use his senses to absorb the information (this way the information that is absorbed is long lasting) as compared to the traditional set up where the child sits passively, and listens to the teacher.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Drinking and Driving: Underage, Military & Binge Drinking

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 UNDERAGE DRINKING†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 MILITARY UNDERGE DRINKING†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 7 BINGE DRINKING†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 8 CONCLUSION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 11 RECOMMENDATIONS/SOLUTIONS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 11 MILITARY WINGMAN CONCEPT†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 13 ENFORCING THE LAW†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 15 WORKS CITED†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 17 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSReported Drinking Patterns Among Students†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦ 6 Table 1 Binge Drinking Prevalence, Frequency, and Intensity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 Michael J. Green Professor Paul Rosenberg Writing for Managers 2 March 2013 Drinking and Driving: Underage, Military and Binge Drinking We all know one of the worst decisions we can make as responsible drivers is to get behind the wheel after a night out on the town where we may have had a few too many alcoholic beverages. We may not even be in a condition to make a rational judgment, let alone operate a vehicle.Underage Drinking We all know that underage drinking is when anyone under the legal drinking age of 21 drinks alcohol. Many teens face adult problems at a very young age. Underage drinking is a major problem among teens today. In today society, kids are being pressured into doing things at a very young age. Problem many parents are fa cing in their own life are also posing as problems on their kids. Aside from being illegal, underage drinking can bring about public health problems.According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism underage drinking risks include: â€Å"Death – 5,000 people under the age of 21 die each year from alcohol-related car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning, and other injuries such as falls, burn, and drowning. † (NIAAA) We are not only talking about deaths as well as serious injuries, impaired judgment, increased risk for physical and sexual assault and brain development problems. (NIAAA). As you can see there are serious risks involved with underage drinking.Compare and Contrast Driving in the Winter and Driving in the SummerHow can you recognize the signs of underage drinking? Here are some signs that can help you recognize underage drinking. We’ve all probably seen some of these warning signs at one point in our life. But how much att ention did you really give them. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism here are some warning signs that can help you recognize underage drinking. Has there been a change in their academic grades or any behavioral problems at school? Has there been a change in who they hang out with?Have they appeared to be less interested in their favorite activity or sporting event? Do they not want to be seen in public or make an appearance at a family function? Can you smell alcohol on their breath or have you found empty or full alcoholic beverages on them or in their room? Do they have slurred speech or muscle coordination problems, such as walking in a straight line? (NIAAA) Again these are just some of the warning signs that can help your recognize that your teenager maybe drinking alcohol.As you can see from the below chart there’s a high percentage of 12th graders, 42% to be exact, that have had an alcoholic beverage in the past month. If you add up all three grades you get a total of 81% of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders that have drank in the past month. I find this to be an alarming rate and we have to do something to decrease these numbers. (L. Johnston) Military Underage Drinking We all know that you only have to be 18 to enter the military or 17 with your parent’s permission.So we can serve our country and die for this country but we can’t have an alcoholic drink, legally, until we are 21. Underage drinking in the military is nothing new. I remember when I first came in the Air Force, even though the legal age to drink was 21, nobody really said or did anything about underage drinking. Man how times have changed! Military members between the ages of 18 and 25 tend to be heavy drinkers, more so than their civilian peers. (Rhem) I’m not surprised or really alarmed by this but did you know that 21% of military members admit to heavily drinking.What I am alarmed by though is this statistic hasn’t been low ered in 20 years. Alcohol abuse costs the Department of Defense over $600 million a year to either treat members or account for lost time at work. The Department of Defense has decided to take a new approach to lower these statistics. According to LtCol Wayne Talcott senior officials like a new approach to preventive maintenance â€Å"You maintain a jet engine so it doesn’t fall out of the sky. † â€Å"We need to begin to look at where there are risks to the human weapon system and how we can build a system that protects our people. (Rhem) The military usually waits till there is a problem with alcohol abuse before doing anything about it. However, recently we have seen an increase in developing new programs or procedures to educate our military members about the severity of alcohol related problems. We just want to get the right message to the right people about making better decisions about their drinking behavior. Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 111 – Drunken or reckless operations of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel. General, Manual for Courts-Martial United States) As you can see, the military has its own set of rules that members have to follow. Even though the military laws are similar in nature to civilian laws we are held to a higher standard. Some tools that commanders can use to manage alcohol abusers are: Line of Duty determination; Actions involving security clearance, access to classified information or access to restricted areas; Duty assignment review to determine if the member should continue in current duties; Unfavorable Information File or control roster actions based on alcohol related isconduct or substandard duty performance; Separation under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for document failure to meet standards; and Administrative demotion, withholding of promotion and denial of reenlistment. (General, The Military Commander and the Law) Line of Duty determination is used to determine if the illness, injury, or disease existed prior to service (EPTS) and if the EPTS condition was aggravated by military service.It is used to determine whether or not the illness, injury, or disease, or death occurred while the member was absent from duty and whether or not the illness, injury, disease or death was due to the member’s own misconduct. Once the findings are revealed from the Line of Duty investigation, it may impact the following areas: You may not be eligible for disability retirement and/or severance pay; you may not be entitled to pay and allowances; your current enlistment could be extended to include any period of time that you were unable to perform your duties; you could be denied your veteran benefits or medical benefits.If the line of duty investigation finds you guilty you could lose out on more than you thought. (General, The Military Commander and the Law) As you can see, Commanders have several tools at their disposal to prevent or correct alcohol related incidents. But that doesn’t mean they can prevent all of them. Binge Drinking Binge drinking is the most common pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration to . 08 grams percent or above.This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours. (Alcoholism) According to national surveys: One in six U. S. adults binge drinks about four times a month, consuming about eight drinks per binge; While binge drinking is more common among young adults aged 18-34 years, binge drinkers aged 65 years and older report binge drinking more often – an average of five to six times a month; Binge drinking is more common among those with household incomes of $75,000 or more than among those with lower incomes; Approximately 92% of U.S. adults who drink excessi vely report binge drinking in the past 30 days; Although college students commonly binge drink, 70% of binge drinking episodes involve adults age 26 years and older; The occurrence of binge drinking among men is twice the occurrence among women; Binge drinkers are 14 times more likely to report alcohol-impaired driving than non-binge drinkers; About 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinks and more than half of the alcohol consumed by adults in the United States is in the form of binge drinks. CDC) Frequent binge drinkers can have the most serious health problems. These people are seven to sixteen times more likely, than non-binge drinkers to have missed classes, gotten behind in their school work, engaged in unplanned sexual activity, and not used protection during sexual intercourse, had run-ins with police, damage property, and been injured or hurt. (CDC) As you can see from the above chart binge drinking happens in all age groups, race and ethnicity group’s, educational levels, and in all income levels.Conclusion I’ve talked about several problems that are related to underage, military and binge drinking and driving. Why I talked about all three of these types is that they intertwine with one another. Most if not all of us had a drink before we were 21, I know I did. Does that make it right for the next generation to continue to do so? Who’s to say! We have come a long way since I was under 21 and we still have a long ways to go. I don’t think we will ever completely get rid of underage, military or binge drinking and driving.It’s going to happen! But we can make some recommendations or solutions to educate our kids. Recommendations/Solutions In my opinion there is no right way or wrong way about reducing underage, military or binge drinking and driving. Each state and/or city may have their own way of trying to reduce drinking and driving. But here are s ome examples of what is being proposed and done in the Cheyenne, Wyoming area on Military bases and on College campuses throughout the state.How can we improve the educational processes to educate our youth about the dangers of alcohol? What we do know is that educational programs that only provide information or that focuses on self-esteem or resisting peer pressure haven’t been effective. The Wyoming youth group is proposing a more aggressive approach. Instead of waiting till community colleges and Universities are experiencing binge drinking problems we need to start at the grade school and high school levels. (Group)Here is a detailed list of what the State of Wyoming is recommending at all educational levels: Developing school cultures that promote prevention and intervention policies; Increase state and local funding for prevention education in schools and colleges; work with senior administrators to understand what must be done to reduce underage drinking; make sure co lleges and universities adhere to policy enforcement and changes; ensure constant development and consistent communication with statewide colleges and universities; proper certification for employees serving alcoholic beverages; encourage youth involvement for positive change. Group) Here is what the State of Wyoming is recommending at kindergarten through twelfth grade: See what programs have shown success and share them with other Wyoming schools. Provide education to school employees on how to identify underage drinking and how to handle the situation. Educate youth in making healthy, safe and lawful lifestyle decisions. Have alcohol-free events and activities. You can even go as far as doing random sobriety checks before people leave the event or activity.Educate the youth about the dangers of underage drinking to include brain damage, addictive disorders and legal consequences that can arise from alcohol abuse. Talk with them about how alcohol can impair their performance stand ards in and out of the classroom. Provide education to both the kids and to the parents. Parents need to be able to communicate effectively with their children. Help them acquire necessary skills regarding advertising and promotion of alcohol. Establish support groups for kids when there is drinking in the home.Ask for feedback and/or surveys this will enable all parties to see what is and what isn’t working. (Group) For higher education the State of Wyoming is recommending the following programs: Utilize the best programs found by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This will help you in developing your own local college programs. The plans should include but are not limited to: screening and intervention strategies; encouraging alcohol free events or activities; limit alcohol related advertisement on campuses; enforcing campus policies and state and local laws; continuous research and program evaluation.Support efforts by colleges and Universities to red uce alcohol use; ask for support and help from senior leadership on college campuses to increase awareness of high-risk alcohol related activities; increase education to first year students, athletes and organizations that promote alcohol related activities; educate your staff, parents, and even alumni and warning signs of alcohol abuse; provide referral information and updates on policies and procedures; provide an anonymous student survey to see if the educational programs are working and underage drinking is decreasing.Now that we have the schools accounted for what about educating our parents. (Group) Here are some things you can do to ensure you provide the necessary education to their parents. Parents are the first line of defense at times and need to intervene when they see a problem. What can we do for the parents? Establish peer groups – social media is a great source to reach out to for assistance and guidance. Provide presentations by parents from parents that have lived through a death or alcohol related incident. Who is held liable for providing alcohol to minors? Provide effective ways for parents to talk to their children about alcohol abuse.Provide pamphlets to parents so they can identify the signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse. Educate the parents on how to host an alcohol free house party for their kid. (Group) These are some of the educational needs that the State of Wyoming is implementing or has implemented throughout the state. As you can see they are not just relying on the schools to intervene. They are making sure parents are involved and how to identify any signs or symptoms their child may be showing from alcohol abuse. I feel that these educational needs can be easily implemented within each and every state. Military Wingman ConceptThe term Wingman stems from a time-honored tradition within our Air Force flying community that essentially says a lead pilot will never lose his/her Wingman. It’s a promise, a pledge, a co mmitment between Airmen who fly. The Air Force has cultivated and instilled this same culture of commitment between all Airmen and Air Force civilians in all career fields and specialties via the Wingman program. Being a Wingman isn’t easy, but all Airmen at all levels of command have a role as Wingmen. How can you transfer this ability of being a wingman from military time honored tradition to a non-military environment?You would think this would be easy, but some people don’t recognize the concept. I’m going to use a sports analogy to help explain the Wingman concept. â€Å"Let’s say we have a highly skilled professional football team. Holes in the line open up an instant before the running back reaches them at full speed, allowing him to achieve a big gain. Pass receivers run complicated pass routes, turning back to look at the quarterback after the ball is already airborne on its way to them. Simultaneously, offensive linemen keep defensive players f rom reaching the quarterback just long enough for him to get the pass off†¦and not a moment longer.Meanwhile, the quarterback, without even looking at or coordinating with his blockers, knows just how long he can hold the ball before he has to get rid of it. And the timing of all this is compressed into less than four seconds. † (Dettmer) As you can see, the wingman concept can be carried over to non-military business situations. But we seldom see this in businesses. Businesses are still comprised of mutual activities that at times require a team effort to complete a project or task. Some of it may be due to the fact at the end of the day you get to go home and you don’t have to rely on them to save your life.The Wingman concept is simple and easy to implement into your work area, no matter where you work. To be a good Wingman all you have to do is take care of yourself and those around you. Some ways you could do this is when you are out with your buddies and they ’ve had a little too much to drink, you step up and tell them they’ve had enough. You don’t let your wingman get behind the wheel of a car after they’ve had anything to drink. It’s not about being their friend; it’s about saving their life or someone else’s life. In the end it comes down to making the Wingman concept a way of life, and not just a slogan.Enforcing the Law How can you control drunk driving? It requires four board strategies: Deterrence; Treatment; Information and education; and Prevention. I’m going to provide solutions on how we can implement all four and decrease or control drunk driving. What is deterrence and how can that control drunk driving? Deterrence is simple! However, it may not be all that simple to pass new laws that prohibit drunk driving. Deterrence is also enforcing existing laws and holding those that broke the law accountable. It’s basically like, striking fear into them if they do decide to drink and drive.A good example of this is the zero tolerance law. Not all states have this but some do. It’s a law that applies to anyone under the age of 21 that gets caught for drinking and driving. How embarrassed would you be if you got caught for drinking and driving and lost your driver licenses? If you were still in high school, most likely the whole school would know about it. This alone could be a deterrent for some, but maybe not for all. (Hedlund and McCartt) Treatment is about getting the help you need when you need it. Alcohol is a drug and if left untreated can cause serious damage to your health and to others around you.However, treatment sometimes only happens once you have been arrested or caught. The most difficult thing is to self-identify and get the help you need before it’s too late. Changing individual’s behavior is not easy. However, if you can assess all offenders equally and then assign them a treatment program that is appropriate f or their needs. (Hedlund and McCartt) Information and education by itself doesn’t decrease drinking and driving and has little or no effect on reducing it either. However, combined with deterrence and prevention programs it goes a long way.Educating the public on drinking and driving laws has proven very effective in reducing drinking and driving. For example those states that have â€Å"Zero Tolerance† laws in place 85% of drivers were not aware that the blood alcohol content for minors was different than for those that are over 21. With a little information and education in those states they reduced drinking and driving crashes by 30%. It has been proven that a little education can go a long ways. (Hedlund and McCartt) With prevention we have control over a few things. We can enforce the policies that are in place or create new one law’s.We have already established the legal age to drink alcohol is 21. By increasing the legal age from 18 to 21 this was an atte mpt to reduce underage drinking. We can regulate the places and time when you can purchase alcohol. You have to have a liquor license to sale or distribute alcoholic beverages. Some states also regulate on the day and time you can purchase alcohol. For example some states don’t allow you to purchase alcohol on Sunday before noon or not at all, and most states don’t allow the sale of alcohol after 2 a. m. We can also regulate the taxes on alcoholic beverages.For example the amount of taxes for alcoholic beverages in the State of Wyoming hasn’t increased since 1935. (Group) Prevention programs can make a difference, but even small measures are better than nothing at all. Programs like training bartenders or servers to know when they should stop serving to the customer have proved beneficial. In the end though, the best strategy for progress is through improved deterrence, with assistance from the other three strategies. Works Cited Alcoholism, National Institute o f Alcohol Abuse and. â€Å"NIAAA council approves definition of binge drinking. NIAAA Newsletter (2004): 3. CDC. â€Å"Vital signs: binge drinking prevalence, frequency, and intensity among adults – U. S. 2010. † MMWR Morb Mortal Weekly Report (2012; 61 (1)): 9-14. Dettmer, William. â€Å"The Wingman Concept. † 2006. The Wingman Concept. 2 Mar 2013. General, Judge Advocate. â€Å"Manual for Courts-Martial United States. † General, Judge Advocate. Manual for Courts-Martial United States. Maxwell AFB: The Judge Advocate General School, 2012. IV51 – IV53. General, Judge Advocate. â€Å"The Military Commander and the Law. † General, Judge Advocate. The Military Commander and the Law.Maxwell AFB: The Judge Advocate General School, 2012. 215-223. Group, Cody Youth. â€Å"Wyoming Cares. † Jan 2012. http://www. wyocare. org/items/get_pdf/1416%20%20problems%20and%20solution%20document. 2 Mar 2013. Hedlund, James H. and Anne T. McCartt. Drunk Driving: Seeking Additional Solutions. Traffic Safety. Washington D. C. : Preusser Research Group, Inc, 2002. L. Johnston. â€Å"Centruy Council. † Dec 2012. Centery Council. 2 March 2013. NIAAA. National Institute on Alchohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 2013. 2 March 2013. Rhem, SSgt Kathleen T. â€Å"Alcohol Abuse Costs DoD Dearly. † U. S. Military (2000): 1.